Veronica Castellana with other Advanced Legal Nurse Consultants (ALNC)
Veronica Castellana
Your Personal Legal Nurse Consulting Success Coach & Advocate

She Practices What She Preaches

The LNC STAT course is based directly from Veronica’s thriving Legal Nurse Consulting practice; therefore, you know that her techniques are current and proven to be effective.

She Has Been In Your Shoes

Veronica has battled a generous dose of hardship to get where she is today. After suffering a career-ending latex allergy, she faced threats of foreclosure while simultaneously enduring divorce and the death of her mother. When Legal Nurse Consulting provided some light at the end of the tunnel, she was forced to face the fact that the Legal Nurse Consulting certification that she completed did not teach her the skills that she needed to work as a Legal Nurse. After years of trial and error while refusing to give up, she developed her own methods that actually worked.

She Cares About Each of Her Nurses

When she realized how effective her system was, she could not wait to share it with other Legal Nurses who received insufficient training. It did not seem fair to her that nurses were paying large amounts of money for training that was obsolete and ineffective. Her goal is to ensure that no other nurse experiences that same hard road as she was forced to follow. She cares for nurses and continues to work one-on-one with nurses who are making the transition into Legal Nurse Consulting.

She has Written Over 50 Books

Veronica’s accomplished list of medical-legal related publications is impressive. She is behind nearly every book or manual included in the LNC STAT course and continues to add more publications to her list of achievements.

She is Available for Unlimited Mentoring

Veronica takes great pride in the fact that she continues to mentor her nurses directly. Even after all of her accomplishments in the Legal Nurse industry, Veronica ensures that she does not forget that her nurses come first.

This is a positive quality. Why would an attorney need to teach Legal Nurse Consulting? Shouldn’t they be practicing law? Are they just using their status to sell courses? Veronica is a nurse who wants to help out her fellow nurses. She has found great success and can show you how to do the same without going to law school.