Be a Multiple Marketer to get Cases as a Legal Nurse Consultant
Monday, August 23, 2010
Multiple Marketing can be beneficial and is a great way to sell a product or service. In order for potential clients to be interested in what you have to offer, you need to show what you have to offer to them numerous times. Sometimes, the potential client may overlook what you have sent them or throw it away when they meant to keep it. Maybe they thought they didn't need a Legal Nurse Consultant and then from out of the blue they receive the case of the century and they need your help. How do they find you again? How do they know you even exist? You need to get your name out there again and again and again...repetition!How do you get your name out there? You can send an initial marketing packet with your services, intro page, and business cards. (Helpful hint, send it in a large envelop with a label on it. They are more likely to open's a big package!) Then, you can send a brochure, flyer, or tri-fold. You may want to have a monthly newsletter that provides them with helpful information that they may look forward to reading. You can send a post card with your guarantee on it, introducing your business, or introducing your specials.Sometimes it takes a potential client months before they decide to use your services. If you Multiple Market, you have a better chance of being the one that is hired for the job when they make their decision.