9 Easy Steps for Choosing the Best Legal Nurse Consulting Program

9 Easy Steps for Choosing the Best Legal Nurse Consulting Program

Since LNC STAT began over years ago, there have been many courses that have come and gone. Unfortunately, all these courses have made it very confusing for those who want to choose the best Legal Nurse course. Since there are no universal standards for Legal Nurse Consulting, it is very easy for Nurses to be sold on a course based on what they think they need, only to find out later on that they are missing what they actually need to find success as a Legal Nurse. LNC STAT was created to be the solution to this problem. With all of our experience over the many years that we have been training Legal Nurses, we know what works and what doesn't. These steps will help you understand what to look for when comparing Legal Nurse programs, so you can ensure that you have everything you need to find success as a Legal Nurse Consultant.

Step 1: Compare Websites and Determine their Motivations

The first thing you should do is visit the website of each organization and compare. If they don't have a quality website, that is your first red flag. As you review each website, you should try to get an understanding of the overall goals of their program. Surprisingly, this can vary with each organization. The main question to ask yourself is this: Does the program seem to be focused on helping you to get the best results, or is it just trying to sell courses or certifications. If the program isn't focused on the success of its graduates, you should be skeptical.

Step 2: Consider their Transparency

The best programs have nothing to hide. If an organization hides their prices or makes it difficult to get the total expense that you will need to spend to begin practicing, that may be a red flag. If the program was really getting great results, they wouldn't need to use sneaky sales tactics.

Step 3: Determine their Capabilities

To begin practicing as a Legal Nurse successfully, you need more than just a training course. The resources that you have access to after the training will make the transition much easier for you. Find out if the program can offer you more than just some training. Determine if they can give you everything you need to begin practicing. If not, you will have to spend more later on to get what you need. For example, colleges offer good beginner courses, but they are limited simply because of their educational structure. They can't offer mentoring or support after you complete their course, and they can't make any marketing tools for you. Both of which will incur extra expenses and will make it more difficult for you to get started.

Step 4: Compare Curriculum Contact Hours

The comprehensiveness of the training makes a huge difference in the career of a Legal Nurse, and can determine the total amount of expenses that you need to get started. Many nurses complete a beginner course and find out the hard way that they are still missing a lot of important information, so they have to pay more for another course. The easy way to determine comprehensiveness is to find out how many contact hours of training are included with the program. This will give you an idea of how much training you are actually getting for the price.

Step 5: Look for Real Case Practice

While many courses can offer completed case scenarios, they don't give you real case practice. Without real case practice, the first case you complete from start to finish would be a real case for an attorney. This leaves too much room for error and will be more stressful for you. Additionally, if you do something wrong, the attorneys probably won't let you know. Instead, they will avoid giving you more cases. Therefore, it is best to find a course that includes real case practice. This will give you the confidence that you need when you take on your first case for an attorney. You will know exactly what to do to ensure a good impression of your work and receive more cases from the attorney.

Step 6: Look for the Best Mentoring

When you begin practicing as a Legal Nurse, you will encounter situations that can be considered "make-or-break" situations. These are roadblocks that you will need to overcome to get to where you want to be. If you don't know how to handle these situations, you need to be able to quickly and easily access help so that you may break through the roadblock. This is where the mentoring makes a huge difference in your career. Image if the course you chose doesn't offer mentoring after you complete the training, or they have extra fees to get the extra mentoring you need. That would be very frustrating and possibly bring your progress to a halt. To find success as a Legal Nurse, you need access to mentoring from qualified individuals without limitations or extra fees.

Step 7: Determine if they Include Marketing Training and Tools

To practice independently as a Legal Nurse Consultant, you need to know how to get the cases, and you need marketing tools to use during that process. Surprisingly, many programs still lack in this area, even though this is the area where most beginning Legal Nurses struggle. It is common for new Legal Nurses to struggle in this area because it is something that it totally new to them. That is okay, as long as they can access to proper training and tools to overcome those obstacles. When comparing programs ensure that marketing training and marketing tools are included. If not, you will incur more expenses down the road since you will need additional training and you will have to pay for marketing tools separately from those who may not be familiar with the intricacies of marketing in this field.

Step 8: Compare the Success Rate of their Graduates

In the end, the success rate is the real indicator that you should look for. The success rate is defined as the percentage of a course's graduates who get cases. While there are many different areas to compare, the success rate is the one that matters the most because it reveals the overall quality, comprehensiveness, and support that you would get with that program. If an organization can't tell you or doesn't track their success rate, that means that it is probably very low, which means that your chances of getting a case is also very low.

Step 9: Compare Payment and Financing Options

This item is listed as the last step because it won't impact your Legal Nurse career as much as the other steps. There are many financing options available that can fit most budgets and credit needs. If you have access to the best program and the best tools, and if you are dedicated to putting it to work and pursuing cases, then will be able to recover your initial expense with just one or two cases. Therefore, when planning these financial aspects, you need to decide how you are going to cover the initial expense until you can put your Legal Nurse training to work and recover it.

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Why are these Steps so Important?

Choosing the wrong Legal Nurse program will make it much more difficult and expensive to begin practicing successfully. If you don't have access to the right training and tools, you will not be able to recover the expense that you invest. However, with the best program, you can recover your expense within one or two cases, and make profit after that point. This is why it is so important to keep these tips in mind and do your research before choosing your Legal Nurse Consultant training program.

How does LNC STAT Exceed these Requirements?

  1. If you take the time to review our content on LNSTAT.com, you will probably be able to notice very quickly that we are more focused on the results. In fact, that is how we have done it since we started. Most Nurses who spend money on other Legal Nurse Consultant programs never receive their first case. LNC STAT was created to be the solution to this problem.
  2. Our packages are all-inclusive and our prices are easily found on our website. We have nothing to hide. Most of your start-up expenses are included with one of our packages. Other expenses that should be considered are business startup, a computer, and software.
  3. LNC STAT gives you training, mentoring, marketing, and many other resources all in one stop. These are even available to you after you complete your training.
  4. LNC STAT offers 120-204 contact hours worth of Legal Nurse training. Most other programs only offer 40-60.
  5. LNC STAT includes real case practice where you will get plenty of feedback so that you will know how to create perfect reports using paperless methods on your computer. We were the first in this industry to do so.
  6. LNC STAT includes Unlimited Mentoring with all of our packages. There will never be any extra fees or limitations. Our students have access to mentoring both during and after their training. Much of the mentoring is done by Veronica Castellana, the course creator and still a practicing Legal Nurse.
  7. With LNC STAT, not only will you learn a researched and proven marketing process, you will also have marketing tools made for you so that you can put what you learned to work. You can choose between template marketing tools or fully customizable marketing tools.
  8. An estimated 95% of nurses who have completed the Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant (ALNC) certification, utilized the Ultimate Marketing Tool Kit, and put the system to work while following all of our recommendations, have received at least one case. After that, you just continue the cycle over again for more cases. The first case is a big milestone since most Legal Nurses who take other courses never get the first case. LNC STAT has always tracked our success rate. Any other organization that does the same is doing so because we set that standard.
  9. LNC STAT offers credit based and pay-as-you-go financing options. Everyone who can make monthly payments can be approved and get started with one of these options.

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