Meet Michele
She wanted more time with her kids and full control of her life and finances, while continuing to be a patient advocate.
Learn her story below.
Michele wanted more time with her kids and full control of her life and finances, while continuing to be a patient advocate.
Michele is a REAL LNC STAT Graduate
When I decided to become certified as an ALNC, I was working 40-50 hours a week in the Emergency Room. I had
" I had gone through a divorce, and there would be times where I would not see my children for 2-3 days due to 12 hour shifts."
gone through a divorce, and there would be times where I would not see my children for 2-3 days due to 12 hour shifts. I had previously had a home based business, and I knew that the only way to become truly financially independent was to own your own business. I had investigated legal nursing approximately 7-8 years prior to my decision, and I just was not impressed with the courses available. "I wanted to be in control of my life and my finances. Legal nursing allowed me to be a patient advocate in a different way."
I finally got sick and tired or working like a dog and not seeing my family. I realized that my JOB was a "Journey of the Broke". I knew my children needed me. I knew that as they got older I would miss their activities because of my work schedule. I had also gotten re-married and inherited 3 step-children. That is 6 college educations to pay for! I also remembered about the legal nursing career. I always joke and say, "Gee, you mean I can read something and give someone my opinion? I LOVE to give my opinion!" I wanted to be in control of my life and my finances. Legal nursing allowed me to be a patient advocate in a different way. So, I began researching the opportunity again and found RN Market. "When I spoke with Veronica and Kim at RN Market, I was impressed with their passion. I was also impressed with the Marketing Package and the follow-up care. "
I did a lot of research on –line. When I spoke with Veronica and Kim at RN Market, I was impressed with their passion. I was also impressed with the Marketing Package and the follow-up care. I had no idea how to design a logo or market this business. When I purchased the course, I really didn't even know how to explain what Legal Nursing was. The price was also very reasonable. I still order my marketing items from RN Market today. I loved the templates for letters and contracts. Also, as a nurse, I had that "gut feeling", just like I got in my nursing practice. I knew it was right. The price, the marketing education, and the aftercare were very appealing. I knew I would need guidance after taking the course.
My husband was panicking about the investment. He's not a "spender". However, he did have faith in me. After completing the course, I felt very confident, until I actually had my first case in front of me. I got VERY scared. So, I just got out my training books, re-read some sections, and went to work on the case.
"My first case was a huge nursing home case...they wanted a report, and they would use my report for all phases of litigation."
My first case was a huge nursing home case. I didn't even speak with the attorney. I had called the firm and spoke with the paralegal. She told my they wanted a report, and they would use my report for all phases of litigation. I needed to make it easy for the attorney to find records. The case took me FOREVER. I didn't want to miss a thing. I had learned about how to research, but had never really done it. I had learned about organizing, tabbing and paginating, but didn't realize my first case would be 3,000 pages.
To make a long story short, the case was referred out, along with my report, to a national firm. The case settled. When the attorney at the national firm was asked for feedback on my report, he said, (in his Southern accent) "I sure did like it. I want more like that."Because of that case, the original attorney now sends me everything they get. I have a system for reviewing and reporting, and the large cases are a cinch. I call my first case, "baptism by fire".
"I made $3400 on that case...Now, my husband is 100% behind me."
I made $3400 on that case. After putting 30% in a tax savings account and 20% in my business account, I placed my profit into our savings account. Now, my husband is 100% behind me. He has helped me at conferences, and he mails everything for me. My children love the fact that I can pick them up after school, but understand that I still have to work in my home office. They even help me punch holes in the records and put them in binders."When I review a medical record, it is like reading a novel. You never know how it is going to end."
When I review a medical record, it is like reading a novel. You never know how it is going to end. Also, my office is in my home. I like working in my PJs. Being at home, earning money, and seeing my children every day is the most rewarding part for me. I have also taken my experience from reviewing cases and started educating nurses regarding documentation."I have spoken to so many other nurses who took other courses. They all say the same thing "I paid for the course, I took the course, I didn't learn anything useful, and I don't know what to do."
When I comes to choosing a Legal Nurse Consulting course, LNC STAT is the ONLY course I would recommend! I have spoken to so many other nurses who took other courses. They all say the same thing: "I paid for the course, I took the course, I didn't learn anything useful, and I don't know what to do." I have also seen the work product from other nurses in the course of using expert witnesses. Every time, I look at their reports and think to myself "Who taught them this? I can't believe any attorney accepts this." I find a lot of nurse experts for my attorneys, and I ALWAYS turn to "Veronica's nurses". Without the LNC STAT course and constant support I receive, my business would not be where it is today.I only invested in the LNC STAT course first, but I was impressed with the fact that Veronica offered the other courses. No other course offered that variety. So far, I have taken the CPSS course. I will be taking the Legal Nurse Investigator course in the near future. Actually, I wish I had taken all the courses up front, because I am now so busy with my Legal Nursing that it is hard to find the time.
I believe I may have figured the marketing out on my own, eventually. However, I certainly would have spent years figuring them out. I had no idea how to market to attorneys. I probably would have been sending them my resume on pink 20lb. paper! I never would have been able to learn the legal aspects on my own. I never would have known to use contracts for each and every case. I cannot imagine where my business would be without the LNC STAT Course.
"Nurses are not taught to run a business. It is a learned skill. Do what Veronica and Ryan tell you to do."
If you would like to become a Legal Nurse, I recommend that you become business minded. Nurses are not taught to run a business. It is a learned skill. Do what Veronica and Ryan tell you to do. Get systems in place. What I mean by that is find a way of keeping track of your expenses and income. Have a system for marketing follow-up. GET HELP! You do not need to print labels and stuff envelopes. Pay your children, pay the neighbor, or pay your mother. When you are starting, you need to be on the phone. Market out of your area. I really don't have a lot of work in my own state. I live on the east coast. On my marketing days, I know I can be making calls at 7 pm, because it will only be 4 pm in California. Have a business account, a business savings, and your own personal checking account. Deposit at least 30% into your savings for taxes. Keep 10-20% in your business account for expenses. (This can vary depending on your needs).Once you have saved some marketing dollars, become an exhibitor. I know some legal nurses exhibit right away. If you have the opportunity, and the money to do that, then by all means, exhibit. However, I waited. I recently exhibited at a state trial lawyer's convention. Also, since I had done numerous cases, and have great relationships with my paralegals and attorneys, I was able to offer references. I understood what I could do for each type of attorney, and what they needed to hear. For example, med mal attorneys love to hear "expert witness".
"Never, never give up...If a nurse is not successful as an ALNC, they have ONLY themselves to blame. "
Worker's Comp attorneys love to hear "timeline, focused chronology". Never, never give up. Your next phone call may be your next case. I think that every nurse is given the tools to be successful through the LNC STAT course. If a nurse is not successful as an ALNC, they have ONLY themselves to blame.
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