Meet Sam
A life-altering event made her realize that she was done with her regular nursing job and needed to spend more time with her family.
Learn her story below.
A life-altering event made Sam realize that she was done with her regular nursing job and needed to spend more time with her family.
Sam is a REAL LNC STAT Course Graduate
I have been in the nursing field for nearly 16 years, starting as an urgent care receptionist, becoming a Certified Nurse's Assistant, Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, Director of Nursing, and finally becoming an Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant. I have a wide array of experience and have worked my way from the bottom up.
Years ago, I took an Intro to Legal Nursing CE course when I was a Director of Nursing. I thought that it sounded very interesting, but with my hours as a Director, I did not feel that I could swing the time to study, and at that time I was a single mom of 2 young children.
"I had my fourth child, Noelle, my life was changed forever. Noelle was born very critically ill...she died 5 1/2 weeks after she was born"
Later, after I had remarried and had my fourth child Noelle, my life was changed forever. Noelle was born very critically ill. We weren't aware that during my pregnancy she had a rare disease called Hemophagocytic Lymphohysitiocytosis (HLH). She died 5 1/2 weeks after she was born after undergoing chemotherapy and immunosuppressive therapy. I knew that I didn't have it in my heart to return to being a pediatric Director of Nursing, and family had quite obviously become my center, my most important priority. I did not want to return to working the extremely extended hours including weekends and holidays. I had a very hard time sleeping for many months after Noelle died, and one night as I sat and prayed for an answer as to what direction I should go for my career, I stumbled across "One night as I sat and prayed for an answer as to what direction I should go for my career, I stumbled across LNC Stat"
an LNC Stat ad online. I called the next day, and really liked what this program offered as opposed to several others I had reviewed. I spoke directly to Veronica (the owner) and I really liked her energy, and clear passion for what she does. I chose to take her 3 day advanced course here in Chicago, and the rest has been history! Meeting her and growing a relationship of honesty, encouragement and trust has FOREVER changed my life, and being focused on my new business SJG & Associates gave me the focus and motivation to get through the loss of my youngest daughter in one piece. It gave me excitement that I have never felt before with any of my other roles as a nurse, and has propelled our family forward in a healthy way. 
I think the most appealing part about becoming a legal nurse to me, was the fact that I could make my own hours. As a grieving mother trying to find her way again, I wasn't sure about diving back in to the workforce full time. Could I handle it? Was I
I knew that in order for me to get over this major blow we had been dealt, I NEEDED to challenge myself, and I was desperate for a change."
capable of going back and dealing with people that knew what had happened without bursting into tears every 5 minutes? Did I really want to go back to working sometimes 7 days a week, missing my family? I also knew that in order for me to get over this major blow we had been dealt, I NEEDED to challenge myself, and I was desperate for a change. I liked the fact that Veronica was very direct with me and to the point. "You want a change, then you have to GET UP and DO something about it. Nothing is going to be handed to you, but with hard work, this IS possible!" These words that Veronica said stuck with me, and have been my motto from the start. "
[Veronica] is a real person, and seemed to really CARE about getting ME as an individual off the ground and successful. I did not at all feel that connection with any of what the other programs were offering.."
I decided on LNC Stat because I really liked the smaller, more personal classes. I did not want to be just a number. I learn best with actual interaction, practicing, real stories and the fact that I was sitting side-by-side with the owner who wasn't afraid to share her personal stories, a woman that tells it like it is, and is hilariously funny. She is a real person, and seemed to really CARE about getting ME as an individual off the ground and successful. I did not at all feel that connection with any of what the other programs were offering. Smaller classes, the cost, one-on-one mentorship, the actual course material and the fact that Veronica is the actual author of the program material based on her extensive experience, and she is still an active legal nurse consultant herself. This was particularly important to me because her knowledge is current. "Little did ANY of us know that I would be taking my first SEVERAL cases within days of completing the LNC STAT certification!"
I feel that the aspects of the LNC Stat courses that helped me the most were the hands-on practice on real cases. I took the live seminar where we also practiced speaking to each other, and presenting in front of each other. I was so nervous that I was a stuttering, rambling mess. Veronica looked at me and chuckling said "Girl, get it together and relax!" We STILL laugh about it today. That practice and honest input/feedback is what did it for me!
My husband was happy to see me focusing on something positive to get my mind off of our loss. He was supportive in this new venture, but I do not think he thought for a moment that my business would take off as quickly as it did. My friends, family and fellow nurses said that it was great that I had a new "hobby" to "get my mind off of things." Little did ANY of us know that I would be taking my first SEVERAL cases within days of completing the LNC STAT certification! I felt very comfortable and confident to hit the ground running after completing my first LNC stat seminar, and that's exactly what I did. I left a message for one of the bigger firms in Chicago that Friday evening after I completed my Advanced Legal Nurse Consulting certification seminar. He called me back personally the following Monday and asked me some questions. That afternoon I received a signed contract for a medical malpractice/wrongful death case that involved a senior from a nursing home that had a fall and the resulting recovery time resulted in a stage 4 pressure sore and malnourishment. Eventually that senior died from complications related to her pressure sores and malnourishment. It was a good sized case being with medical records several thousand pages long. It took me about two weeks to complete and when I presented the attorneys were very impressed. I was very impressed when I received my first paycheck that in two weeks was MORE than I have ever made in several months of work. It brought a tear to my eyes, and nobody called this a "hobby" after that!
"I made thousands on that first case, more than several months as a floor nurse, even as a director!"
I made thousands on that first case, more than several months as a floor nurse, even as a director! I literally skipped to the bank to open my first business account, and sent Veronica a YIPPEE text! Her response was "You go girl, now go get MORE!" And I have been since! My husband's jaw dropped, and he gave me a very big hug. He said he was VERY proud of me, and asked when could he buy the airplane he REALLY wants??? I laughed. A portion of my check stayed in my business for expenses, taxes etc. Some went to some "gifts" to myself, my husband and my babies for supporting me, believing in me, and for my first success as a business owner; the rest went towards taxes and paying off debts. I never went back to work as a Director. I threw myself full force into launching my own business and I have not looked back. This is my full-time job now and I absolutely love it! "My favorite part of this work is being the "detective", putting the puzzle pieces together and finding errors that were made."
My favorite part of this work is being the "detective", putting the puzzle pieces together and finding errors that were made. I have often times been the ONLY person that found something critical and it made the case for a particular attorney. I also really enjoy building the relationships that I have with the attorneys. It's the best thing I could have done for myself. I feel like I am accomplishing something great. I have opportunities to review a case or medical records and find something that can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of that particular case. I have had attorneys, expert witnesses and families come to me and thank me for what I do, and have had several referrals for that very reason. It makes me want to get out there and do more. My advice for any nurse trying to decide if legal nurse consulting is for them is to think about their life priorities and goals. Set goals for themselves personally, for their family (spouses, children, parents, siblings) and get out there. Ask questions, be willing to go out on a limb and take a risk, and believe in yourself! This is by no means an "easy" job. Get outside of our comfort zones of "working the floor" or being in a managerial/director level role. You don't have the same reassurances when you own your own business as you do in the typical nursing environments, but for our LNC Stat team-we are extremely close knit. I know that at any time day or night, I can call Veronica, or any of the nurses that were in the classes I took. We are each other's support, confidants, cheerleaders, and wonderful assets/friends.
"FOLLOW Veronica's advice!!! Ask LOTS of questions while you are taking this program and HAVE FUN with this! Without the LNC STAT program, I would definitely not be where I am today.."
My advice to future Advanced Legal Nurse Consultants is to be persistent, believe in yourself, follow your heart, have passion, and GO AFTER THE THINGS YOU WANT. Ask a lot of questions, be thorough and HAVE FUN with it! This is true whether someone is pursuing legal nursing, or anything in general. FOLLOW Veronica's advice!!! Ask LOTS of questions while you are taking this program and HAVE FUN with this! Without the LNC STAT program, I would definitely not be where I am today. I have gained many wonderful allies and friends out of this. It has been a win all the way around!
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