RN MARKET is accredited by the Boards of Nursing.

The LNC STAT Course and workshops are offered through RN MARKET, LLC. RN MARKET has met all requirements to be accredited as an approved educational provider of continuing education for nurses and nurse practitioners for the Florida Department of Health, Florida Board of Nursing and for the District of Columbia Board of Nursing Washington D.C. By adhering to the requirements and standards set forth by these organizations, RN MARKET is authorized to provide CEs to nurses in all 50 states.

Our Certifications were Upheld Many Times by the Courts

Our certified Legal Nurses have been involved in some of the biggest cases in history. Some of these includes the World Trade Center cases, the Flint Michigan Water cases, many pharmaceutical cases, and many class action lawsuits. In those cases, our certifications held up to any scrutiny and were accepted by the courts.

We have offered Legal Nurse Certifications for Years

RN MARKET has been offering Legal Nurse training, certifications, and marketing tools for years. We are one of the trailblazers in this industry. Our unique approach and extensive experience have had a significant impact on the careers of many Legal Nurses.

There is no official board or accreditation for Legal Nurse Consulting.

Don't be fooled by certifications or courses claiming that they are an official governing body for all of Legal Nurse Consulting or that they are accredited by some specific Board or governing body. There are no universal standards for Legal Nurse Consulting, so any claimed accreditations are unrelated to Legal Nurse Consulting and will not make a difference in your success.

Each organization is responsible for their own certification standards.

A certification is only as good as the organization offering the training and certification. It is the organization's responsibility to maintain their certification and enforce the standards of that certification. Click here to view the LNC STAT Standards of Practice.

  • LNC STAT CE Contact Hours


    Upon completion of the LNC STAT Course you will be provided with the following CE credits by the State of Florida or District of Columbia Washington D.C.

    • Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant (ALNC) Certification: 120 CEs
    • Expert of Medical Legal Specialties (EMLS) Certification: 204 CEs

    If you are a nurse from the State of Florida or from the area of the District of Columbia Washington D.C., your continuing education hours will be submitted directly to your board. If you are from another state or country, the certificate to submit your continuing education to your state will be provided. Please check with your state to ensure that your credits will be approved. According to CE Broker, CE credits provided from the states listed above are approved in all other states.

  • About the ALNC Credential


    The ALNC credential is an exclusive certification mark of the LNI Institute, Inc. The credential is granted to those who successfully complete the course including homework, case, and certification exam included with the LNC STAT course and administered by RN MARKET, LLC. Upon completion of the course with a passing grade you will be certified for five years and will be able to use the credential of ALNC. After the five years, you may maintain your certification by submitting 15 hours of medical-legal instruction every year or by attending another event offered from RN MARKET. Those who receive the ALNC credential must adhere to the ALNC Standards of Practice in order to maintain the ALNC certification.

    Call RN MARKET for details and for approval of medical-legal instruction accepted by the LNI Institute, Inc. Check the LNC STAT schedule for seminar or workshop locations or dates or for information on the LNC STAT Home Study Course.

    ALNC is a certification mark that, once received, may be used in any state or any country. There are no other licenses or certifications needed to practice as an Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant. RN MARKET is the only official approved educational provider for LNI Institute, Inc.

  • About the EMLS Credential


    The EMLS credential is an exclusive certification mark of the LNI Institute, Inc. The credential is granted to those who successfully complete the following course work:

    • Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant (ALNC) Certification - 120 CEs
    • Certified Product Safety Specialist (CPSS) Certification - 25.2 CEs
    • Certified Legal Nurse Investigator (CLNI) Certification - 33.6 CEs
    • Certified Forensic Criminal Evidence Analyst (FCEA) Certification - 25.2 CEs
    • One Annual Indulge Conference - 7 CEs

    In addition to the course work above, candidates must also fulfill the following criteria:

    • Utilize the Ultimate Marketing Tool Kit with printing and Web site created by RN MARKET
    • Be an active member of the International & American Association of the Legal Nurse Industry (IAALNI) for at least 3 years

    Upon completion of all requirements, the candidate will be certified for life and will be able to use the credential of EMLS. However, those who receive the EMLS credential must adhere to the EMLS Standards of Practice and continue to meet certification standards in order to maintain the EMLS certification. Mandatory updates to your training may be required from time-to-time due to advances in the profession.

    EMLS is a certification mark that, once received, may be used in any state or any country. There are no other licenses or certifications needed to practice as an Expert of Medical Legal Specialties.

  • Legal Nurse Association


    The International and American Association of the Legal Nurse Industry (IAALNI) can provide education and promotes the advancement of nurses in any Legal Nurse area of practice. The IAALNI is the official association for the LNC STAT course.

    Click Here for more IAALNI Info.